
Monday 26 March 2012

Dairy entry

This morning I went to the pools and it was so cool.The pool was so deep I nearly drowned in the pool so I hoped out and got my towel.Then me and Mary went to do freestyle Mary came last but it was okay.Then it was my turn but I did not go because I started to cry.So I only
went for breath stork I only did the 1 length but the others did 2 length.I love swimming.

When I walked home,I was so cold I felt I was going to turn into a ice-block.My hair was so wet and my clothes.My Nana put it in the new dryer it only took 8 minutes to dry up.So I went to stick my home clothes on.And had a snack it was a chicken filled roll.

Friday 16 March 2012


Gumballs!!They are very chewy and so yummy.When I chew it,it feels so sweet and tasty to me.I was chewing a green gumball today it taste like green apples.And I love green apples because it taste so sour.

Thursday 15 March 2012


Chocolate cookies are so yummy!!
In the chocolate chip cookies there are
little pieces of chocolate.I eat chocolate cookies
sometimes.I think chocolate cookies are really
nice and yummy.

Wednesday 14 March 2012


Ice-cream is nice and very yummy to eat mostly every day.
We always eat ice-cream every Wednesday we get the chocolate ice-cream.I think the chocolate ice-cream is better then the other ice-creams.Ice-cream is so nice when I eat it ,it is like melting though my mouth.

Monday 12 March 2012

All about chocolate

I think that chocolate is the best thing on earth and
some times fruit.Chocolate is brown and very tasty
and when I chew it .It feels it is melting though my
mouth.I love chocolate so bad when I see chocolate I
just what to eat it.

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Flower pollination

Wind pollinated flowers:The grains of pollen are usually
light so they travel by wind.

Animal pollinated flowers:Pollen grains are large and
stick to insects,birds and mammals body.