
Thursday, 28 June 2012

Culture Walk

Today we had a culture walk around in other classes Room 7 had learnt about south africa,room 8 learnt about Iran,room 9 learnt about Samoa,room 10 learnt about Niue,room 1 learnt about Netherland and room 2 learnt about Cook Island and the last of all room 4 learnt about Tonga.

My Favourite  one was Room 4 because they were talking about Tonga.My second best was room 10 because I thought they were great and they  talked nice and clear.

Monday, 18 June 2012

Making a connection

This term we have been learning about making good comments on different blogs.We had to make sure our comments were positive,helpful and thoughtful.I enjoyed posting comments on different blogs because they might also comment on mine.The challenging part was making it positive and specific.It is easy to be positive but it is hard to be specific.You need to also connect with the blogpost.I look for something similar that I know about.So far I am doing great blog commenting on peoples
blogpost. Here is a example of a comment I wrote.I have made a connection by sharing something I did on mothers day.


Monday, 11 June 2012

Surprising visit to Pak 'n Save

I was excited! Today Room 7 went to Pak'nSave to learn about the food labels. We took the bus there, the bus was really nice and warm.First we went to  look at the cereals.We looked at the weet-bix  because we thought it was really healthy.We checked  the back of the weet-bix box on the food label.We found out that it had a low sugar.

Next we went to look at the Molenberg bread.I was surprised that  Molenberg was really healthy because I thought that it was not healthy.
The Molenberg sugar level was only 2.8g and the energy was 902 kj.
Before we went back to school we got a $60 voucher from Pak ‘n Save.
With our $60 voucher our class is going to have a healthy lunch together.