
Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Friday, 2 November 2012

Scary Horror story

LI: To write a story with some speech,smilies, and onomatopoeia

AHHH!! One cloudy scary night there was a curly haired girl called Hazel and these 2 boys named Tommy and Danny. At night time Hazel got a phone call she says "hello" all she hears is breathing. Poor girl  gets frightened and runs to the door and locks it click clack! After that there is another phone call she says "hello" very slowly and quietly because she is frightened from the first call. She is relieved,  it is just Dany. Dany tells her to come over and see something. Hazel gets into the car and dives to Dany's house. When he hears the ring at the door he sacks all his knifes Dannys knives were as sharp as a blade  . Hazel goes inside Dany tells her I am going to kill you, Hazel shouts " stuff you!" and runs upstairs. Dany shouts " I am going to find you and then I will kill you." Tommy goes to Dany's house. Tommy sees Dany trying to kill Hazel and he finds a cricket bat next to the kitchen door.  Tommy grabs it and hits Danny over the  head and he fell over with a thud! Hazel gets up and runs to Tommy and thanks him for saving her life. Finally when the night drew in, she was glad it was over.

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Basketball lessons

 On Tuesday we had a basketball lesson with coach  Bruce.
He was cool and I liked his American accent. He taught us how to dribble and do the figure eight. After that Bruce put us into 4 groups. Every group got 1 basketball  we had to dribble the ball to the other side then dribble it to the other player. Then it got even harder because we had to do the figure 8 while walking or running. The teams who lost had to do 10 push ups. We had fun learning about basketball. The basketball was as bouncy as a kangaroo. While I was running I could feel the cold breeze blowing towards my face.      

I am looking forward to my lesson next week                                                                  

Friday, 28 September 2012

All about Me

My lovely 7 crazy siblings                                          
I love Music, playing with balls and swimming              
Who feels happy, excited and brave  
Who freely shares freedom with other people                                                                                          
Who fears mice, vicious dogs                                                      
Would like to see spiders dancing
Resident of Auckland, Glen Innes                                                                       

Tamale is my family name

Monday, 10 September 2012

The Auckland Museum-Report

The Auckland Museum is really good to visit and learn about different cultures from the Pacific. The Auckland Museum is a great experience for all visitors from around the world and New Zealand.
The Volcanic Room is  a great place to learn about the earth and what might happen if there is a volcanic eruption.The volcanic room has a model house that visitors sit inside and experience what it might be like during a volcanic eruption. The Ocean Room tells you all about fish and aquatic life. Room is  a great place to learn about the earth and what might happen if there is a volcanic eruption.The volcanic room has a model house that visitors sit inside and experience what it might be like during a volcanic eruption. The Ocean Room tells you all about fish and aquatic life. Inside it has a touch screen monitor that  visitors can access information about the ocean.The Volcanic Room is  a great place to learn about the earth and what might happen if there is a volcanic eruption.The volcanic room has a model house that visitors sit inside and experience what it might be like during a volcanic eruption. The Ocean Room tells you all about fish and aquatic life. Inside it has a touch screen monitor that  visitors can access information about the ocean.The Auckland Museum is located on a hilltop in the Auckland Domain. Inside the Auckland Museum there are  maori tongoa or treasures and other cultural items. It has exhibitions from New Zealand and other countries. There are also many displays showing the past and how hard life was for people.The Auckland Museum is a really great day out to learn about different cultures and New Zealand’s  past.

Image source:Chris Gin

Monday, 27 August 2012

The crowd goes wild

Wind blowing against his face while the crowd goes wild, he broke the world record. Hearing all his fans cheering and laughing and having so much fun, he was so proud of himself. When he finished the race his face was hardcore sweating. Usain’s heart was beating so fast  that  I  saw  his veins on his face. He was probably thinking, I finally broke the world record. The crowd started cheering louder. Usain was really proud of himself. His country would be really proud of Usain Bolt.

Image: Wikipedia

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

How the Kiwi lost it's wings, retold by Joan

Many years ago,Tanemahuta  was walking through a beautiful forest.He looked up at his gentle children reaching the blue sky and noticed that they were getting sick while all the bugs were sucking on their skin.Then Tanemahuta went to talk with his brother, Tanehokahoka called all of his children and his birds.Tanemahuta  started talking to his birds and his children.

Tanemahuta said that someone was  eating  his lovely children and he believed that it was the bugs. He requested the  birds to come down to the forest floor and  live on the forest floor  so that his children would live  and be saved and their land would  be saved.

Tanemahuta asked the Tui if he could come down and stay on the forest floor. The Tui refused to help because he did not like the darkness of the forest floor.  Then he asked the Pukeko and he said no, because he looked down and saw the cold damp forest floor and he did not like his feet getting wet.Then he went and asked Pipiwharauroa if he could save his children but he refused because he was too busy building a nest.Then Tanehokahoka turned to kiwi and asked if he could come down to the forest floor. The Kiwi  turned around and looked at his family and then once more he turned around  and told Tanehokahoka that he would come down and live on the forest floor.Their hearts were really happy.

Then Tanehokahoka cursed all the birds in the forest except for the Kiwi because he risked his life for them.Tanehokahoka said to kiwi that he would be the most known bird in the forest. The Kiwi had to lose its feathers and have strong legs so that it could survive on the forest floor.

Tanemahuta,s children finally had the Kiwi as their protector.

Thursday, 28 June 2012

Culture Walk

Today we had a culture walk around in other classes Room 7 had learnt about south africa,room 8 learnt about Iran,room 9 learnt about Samoa,room 10 learnt about Niue,room 1 learnt about Netherland and room 2 learnt about Cook Island and the last of all room 4 learnt about Tonga.

My Favourite  one was Room 4 because they were talking about Tonga.My second best was room 10 because I thought they were great and they  talked nice and clear.

Monday, 18 June 2012

Making a connection

This term we have been learning about making good comments on different blogs.We had to make sure our comments were positive,helpful and thoughtful.I enjoyed posting comments on different blogs because they might also comment on mine.The challenging part was making it positive and specific.It is easy to be positive but it is hard to be specific.You need to also connect with the blogpost.I look for something similar that I know about.So far I am doing great blog commenting on peoples
blogpost. Here is a example of a comment I wrote.I have made a connection by sharing something I did on mothers day.


Monday, 11 June 2012

Surprising visit to Pak 'n Save

I was excited! Today Room 7 went to Pak'nSave to learn about the food labels. We took the bus there, the bus was really nice and warm.First we went to  look at the cereals.We looked at the weet-bix  because we thought it was really healthy.We checked  the back of the weet-bix box on the food label.We found out that it had a low sugar.

Next we went to look at the Molenberg bread.I was surprised that  Molenberg was really healthy because I thought that it was not healthy.
The Molenberg sugar level was only 2.8g and the energy was 902 kj.
Before we went back to school we got a $60 voucher from Pak ‘n Save.
With our $60 voucher our class is going to have a healthy lunch together.

Thursday, 24 May 2012

The faster you go the worse it looks!!

!!The faster you go the worst it looks!! Yahoo!! This morning Room 7 had some tips from Constable Julie.We were learning about stopping distance with big trucks. We were also learning to be safe while crossing the roads.I learnt that if the roads are wet we should always slow down.We also learnt cars should always be safe on roads. Be safe while driving on the road and look both ways while crossing the road. By Joan

!!The faster you go the worst it looks!!

Yahoo!! This morning Room 7  had some tips from Constable Julie.We were learning about stopping distance with big trucks. We were also learning to be safe while crossing the roads.I  learnt that if the roads are wet we should always slow down.We also learnt cars should always be safe on roads. Be safe while driving on the road and look both ways while crossing the road.

!!The faster you go the worst it looks!!

Yahoo!! This morning Room 7  had some tips from Constable Julie.We were learning about stopping distance with big trucks. We were also learning to be safe while crossing the roads.I  learnt that if the roads are wet we should always slow down.We also learnt cars should always be safe on roads. Be safe while driving on the road and look both ways while crossing the road.

Monday, 21 May 2012

Making a great comment

We are learning to make a good comment
Positive: Your picture looks pretty
Helpful:Was the book really interesting to you.
Thoughtful:I hope I get a chance to read it

Monday, 14 May 2012

Good Blog Comments

We are learning to write a good blogpost

Helpful:Next time I will ask a question
Thoughtful:I said that I made my mother some breakfast too
Positive:I said her mother will have a great time yesterday

Monday, 26 March 2012

Dairy entry

This morning I went to the pools and it was so cool.The pool was so deep I nearly drowned in the pool so I hoped out and got my towel.Then me and Mary went to do freestyle Mary came last but it was okay.Then it was my turn but I did not go because I started to cry.So I only
went for breath stork I only did the 1 length but the others did 2 length.I love swimming.

When I walked home,I was so cold I felt I was going to turn into a ice-block.My hair was so wet and my clothes.My Nana put it in the new dryer it only took 8 minutes to dry up.So I went to stick my home clothes on.And had a snack it was a chicken filled roll.

Friday, 16 March 2012


Gumballs!!They are very chewy and so yummy.When I chew it,it feels so sweet and tasty to me.I was chewing a green gumball today it taste like green apples.And I love green apples because it taste so sour.

Thursday, 15 March 2012


Chocolate cookies are so yummy!!
In the chocolate chip cookies there are
little pieces of chocolate.I eat chocolate cookies
sometimes.I think chocolate cookies are really
nice and yummy.

Wednesday, 14 March 2012


Ice-cream is nice and very yummy to eat mostly every day.
We always eat ice-cream every Wednesday we get the chocolate ice-cream.I think the chocolate ice-cream is better then the other ice-creams.Ice-cream is so nice when I eat it ,it is like melting though my mouth.

Monday, 12 March 2012

All about chocolate

I think that chocolate is the best thing on earth and
some times fruit.Chocolate is brown and very tasty
and when I chew it .It feels it is melting though my
mouth.I love chocolate so bad when I see chocolate I
just what to eat it.

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Flower pollination

Wind pollinated flowers:The grains of pollen are usually
light so they travel by wind.

Animal pollinated flowers:Pollen grains are large and
stick to insects,birds and mammals body.

Thursday, 23 February 2012

My Nana

My Nana is a great lady,she has looked after me for 12 years.
She looks after 5 grandchildren now.I am very proud of my Nana because she makes sure we have lunch for school.She icons our clothes for school.She drops us of to school of it is raining.I love my Nana very much.She even cooks dinner for us.

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

A name that tells a story

Tuesday 21st February 2011

1. Because the marae is a secrete place.
2.In the olden time the children was banned from the Marae,but now the children are able to go.
3. Te Whanaupani got pushed in the water and Ipa saved him.
4..The disaster would been avoided if the boys were safe around the water.
5.Hamumu was upset because she gave away her baby.
6.When my Nana's friend died she was sad but the children was allowed to go in.
7.My dad chose my name.He named me after his friends mum.Because she died.

Monday, 20 February 2012

Plants seed

Miss Holdernes announced to the whole School at assembly that this term we are focusing about plants.Each class received and egg tray with soil in it and our seeds.Mrs Holdernes haven't told us what is our plant and what it is.

Thursday, 16 February 2012

Celery Surprise Reflection

Celery Surprise Reflection

Yesterday Room 7 had a experiment with a glass of blue food colouring and a long
stalk of celery.The celery has blue little spots on the celery.After we took celery out of the Visile.The part of the celery was blue blue spots.

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

On Christmas day

On Christmas day I went to Whakatane and spent a lot of time with my cousins and uncle and Auntie. We stayed there for 2 weeks and 4 days. We all went to the pools. It was fun. We were bombing each other. When we got changed we went to the shop and got an ice-block.