
Friday, 19 April 2013


Yesterday we went to the MOTAT to learn about simple Machines.I was really excited to learn about machines because I don’t know much about machines.At MOTAT, the first thing we went to look at was the future train. It was better looking than the ones we use now . It was shiny and it wasn't rusty like the ones we use today. Then we went to check out the old vehicles.After that we went on the tram. It was cool but very slow . Paul the tram diver   talked to us about the tram and how it works.It was really interesting what he was telling us .Then we turned around and went back to  MOTAT.
After that we went inside the classroom.Melissa talked about simple machines she showed us a pulley .Then we had to build a simple machine in a  group  . My group built a car but other groups built different machines.

There were new things like army trucks and other army stuff because it was army month.
Then we went to the Mirror maze. It was pretty funny  and it was hard getting through there .I kept on bumping into the mirrors or going through a dead end.
It was a cool time at MOTAT and I hope we go there again .I learnt a lot about transport, and simple machines and about facts that I never knew before .I had a really awesome time.

Monday, 8 April 2013

Math Whizz

Today I got a 100% in my 3 time tables  it was pretty hard but I got through it I managed to get 100% in 54 seconds that's pretty good but im going to try harder then that.So next time im gonna try get 30 seconds or less instead of 54.

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Maths Work

Today I have learnt to do my 2 divided bys.I got 100% in my maths and now I will try to get 20 seconds instead of 53 seconds.

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Bio Peom

Tall, funny and cool
Who feels happy to help people
Who fears snakes, sharks, and big dogs
Who needs money everyday
to give to homeless people
Who wonders what life is like in other countries
Who would like to see dancing broccoli.

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Friday, 2 November 2012

Scary Horror story

LI: To write a story with some speech,smilies, and onomatopoeia

AHHH!! One cloudy scary night there was a curly haired girl called Hazel and these 2 boys named Tommy and Danny. At night time Hazel got a phone call she says "hello" all she hears is breathing. Poor girl  gets frightened and runs to the door and locks it click clack! After that there is another phone call she says "hello" very slowly and quietly because she is frightened from the first call. She is relieved,  it is just Dany. Dany tells her to come over and see something. Hazel gets into the car and dives to Dany's house. When he hears the ring at the door he sacks all his knifes Dannys knives were as sharp as a blade  . Hazel goes inside Dany tells her I am going to kill you, Hazel shouts " stuff you!" and runs upstairs. Dany shouts " I am going to find you and then I will kill you." Tommy goes to Dany's house. Tommy sees Dany trying to kill Hazel and he finds a cricket bat next to the kitchen door.  Tommy grabs it and hits Danny over the  head and he fell over with a thud! Hazel gets up and runs to Tommy and thanks him for saving her life. Finally when the night drew in, she was glad it was over.

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Basketball lessons

 On Tuesday we had a basketball lesson with coach  Bruce.
He was cool and I liked his American accent. He taught us how to dribble and do the figure eight. After that Bruce put us into 4 groups. Every group got 1 basketball  we had to dribble the ball to the other side then dribble it to the other player. Then it got even harder because we had to do the figure 8 while walking or running. The teams who lost had to do 10 push ups. We had fun learning about basketball. The basketball was as bouncy as a kangaroo. While I was running I could feel the cold breeze blowing towards my face.      

I am looking forward to my lesson next week